Winston Churchill once said: #Attitude is a little thing, that makes a big difference. How often do people work hard, producing mediocre results, because their attitude isn’t right? How often do people give up on their goals and on their...
I’m sure, every person on this planet is #struggling in one area or the other. It’s absolutely normal. The question is, how they deal with those situations. Some react in a negative way and decide, they just deserve to #struggle and...
Diamonds are being created out of carbon under high pressure and temperatures around 1,500°C / 2,700°F about 140 km / 90 miles below earth’s surface. Without these extreme conditions, they wouldn’t be created and wouldn’t be so...
Watching the news on tv or reading the newspaper, one can come to the conclusion that the world is in a very bad state and all hope is lost for the future. It seems like everybody is just evil and everything is going down like a sinking ship...
A lot of people define themselves and others by their jobs and levels of income, as well as their possessions, such as houses, cars, horses, boats … This is very problematic. And I tell you why: Imagine meeting two great men for the first time...