How to Achieve Great Improvements With Minor Adjustments

Everyone has hopes, dreams and maybe even goals. The problem is, that every improvement requires some sort of effort, which is usually uncomfortable and maybe even painful. It’s no surprise, there is a temptation to take the route of least...
Attitude – The Little Thing That Makes The Difference

Attitude – The Little Thing That Makes The Difference

Winston Churchill once said: #Attitude is a little thing, that makes a big difference. How often do people work hard, producing mediocre results, because their attitude isn’t right? How often do people give up on their goals and on their...
Do You Feel Like a Victim?

Do You Feel Like a Victim?

How do you feel, when bad things are happening to you or when things don’t work out, as expected? Do you feel like being punished? Do you accept the role of a #victim? How do you like that role? Does it feel good? Does it appear to be the...


I’m sure, every person on this planet is #struggling in one area or the other. It’s absolutely normal. The question is, how they deal with those situations. Some react in a negative way and decide, they just deserve to #struggle and...